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Serbian Deputy Public Prosecutor for War Crimes: Ganić would have fair trial

Serbian Deputy Public Prosecutor for War Crimes Milan Petrović said that war-time Bosnia-Herzegovina presidency member Ejup Ganić would have a fair trial in Serbia. A legal battle for the extradition of the Bosnian Muslim politician from Britain to Serbia in currently underway in London.

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EULEX arrest war crimes suspect

EULEX police arrested in Priština on Tuesday a person suspected of committing war crimes in the municipality of Lipljan, central Kosovo, in 1999. EULEX spokeswoman Karin Limdal said that he was arrested in relation to an ongoing investigation into the Blaca case.

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Slovenian Foreign Minister: Macedonia and Greece should reach deal in due time

Macedonian-Greek dispute was one of the topics of the talks between Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The two met in New York late on Monday and discussed primarily the situation in the Western Balkans.

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