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OBA tvrdi da dijelovi IZ pomažu širenje vehabizma

SARAJEVO Dijelovi Islamske zajednice BiH pomažu razvoj i širenje radikalnog islamskog pokreta – vehabizma u našoj zemlji, navedeno je u informaciji Obavještajno-sigurnosne agencije (OSA) BiH sačinjenoj nakon nedavnog terorističkog napada u Bugojnu. Slobodan Šaraba, zamjenik predsjedvajućeg Komisije bh. parlamenta za odbranu i sigurnost koja je u ponedjeljak razmatrala izvještaje sigurnosnih …

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Mahmoud Abbas to Visit Bulgaria

The President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas is coming on an official visit to Bulgaria Tuesday and Wednesday, by invitation from Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov.

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Croatian President hints at quick resolution of name dispute between Greece and Macedonia

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic hinted at quick settlement of the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, noting that the region and the EU would benefit from the resolution of the dispute. The visiting Croatian president made the remarks after the meeting with his Macedonian counterpart Gjorge Ivanov on Monday.

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