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Bulgaria, Russia to sign South Stream deal next week

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov told journalists Wednesday that Bulgaria and Russia will sign a contract to build South Stream, a natural gas pipeline providing an alternative route for Russian deliveries, on

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NATO Secretary-General says EU “unfair” to Turkey

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Wednesday (July 7th) criticised the EU’s “unfair” attitude towards Turkey. In an interview with the Danish daily Politiken, Rasmussen urged the EU “to take a series of pragmatic steps to improve relations with Turkey, entirely outside the [EU accession] negotiations” process. Rasmussen, Denmark’s former …

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Bosniak Council illegal, sanctions to follow

Minister for Human and Minority Rights Svetozar Čiplić told Tanjug on Thursday that the constitution of the National Council of Bosniaks was unsuccessful. He added that it was followed by illegal activities, and that the usurpation of rights of the Bosniak minority will be sanctioned. 

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