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Policija znala za napad terorista

SARAJEVO Državna obavještajna služba na vrijeme je upozorila policijske agencije u BiH na pripremu terorističkog napada u Bugojnu, u kojem je u nedjelju poginuo policajac Tarik Ljubuškić, a šestoro policajaca je ranjeno. Šefovi Obavještajno-sigurnosne agencije BiH (OSA) ovu informaciju u utorak su prenijeli članovima Parlamentarne komisije za nadzor nad radom …

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ICTY President grants Milan Gvero early release

The president of the ICTY has granted the early release of Milan Gvero, sentenced by a first instance to five years in prison for his role in the Srebrenica genocide. Gvero was released from detention today. Gvero was assistant commander for moral, legal and religious affairs of the Main Staff …

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Karadzic granted additional Time for Protected Witness

After promising that he will make the rest of his cross-examination interesting even for the trial chamber, wartime Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic was given an additional two hours with protected witness 185. The trial chamber at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, originally limited Karadzic’s time …

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