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Regional summit held without Belgrade

The regional summit held near Prizren, at which the presidents of Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro were in attendance, focused mainly on free travel. Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu said that there is an initiative for forming a mini-Schengen zone for free movement throughout the Balkans.

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Belgium Insists EU Door Is Open for Balkans

The Belgian government reassured Western Balkans states that the doors of European Union are open for every country in the region, while adding that all must fulfill the necessary conditions before being invited to join the 27 nation bloc.

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Država mora naći oko milijardu KM

SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH planira za okončanje povratka izbjeglih i raseljenih i za naknadu u ratu uništene imovine osigurati oko milijardu KM. Predviđeno je to revidiranom strategijom povratka koju je u četvrtak usvojio Dom naroda parlamenta BiH. U Savezu udruženja povratnika, raseljenih lica i izbjeglica RS juče su ocijenili da …

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