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Kosovo hosts mini regional summit

The presidents of Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro met on Saturday (June 26th) near Prizren to discuss co-operation and the free movement of people. Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu stressed the importance of regional co-operation, the rule of law and the fight against organised crime. His Albanian counterpart Bamir Topi voiced …

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Policajci kreirali spisak terorista

SARAJEVO Ministarstvo sigurnosti BiH dostavilo je Tužilaštvu BiH informaciju da su spisak 45 navodnih terorističkih organizacija u našoj zemlji kreirala dvojica pripadnika MUP-a Republike Srpske. Ministar sigurnosti BiH Sadik Ahmetović odbio je saopštiti njihova imena, ali je naglasio da očekuje da državno tužilaštvo sprovede istragu. Ministarstvo sigurnosti, u informaciji koju …

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Moldovan president asks Russia to withdraw troops from its territory

Moldovan acting President Mihai Ghimpu Thursday asked Russian Federation to withdraw its troops and armament from Moldova’s territory. “The Russian Federation, in its capacity of legal successor of the Soviet Union, shall withdraw its troops and armament from Moldova’s territory unconditionally, urgently and transparently,” read a presidential decree signed on …

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