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Kosovo parliamentary delegation visits Brussels

A Kosovo parliamentary delegation led by Speaker Jakup Krasniqi went to the EU Parliament on Wednesday (June 23rd) to attend the 3rd EP-Kosovo Inter-parliamentary Meeting. Topics included Kosovo’s

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Serbian court convicts three of war crimes in Croatia

A local court convicted three people charged with war crimes in Medak, Croatia, in September 1991. A fourth defendant was acquitted. Milorad Lazic and Nikola Konjevic each got three years in prison Wednesday (June 23rd). Mirko Marunic was sentenced to two years behind bars, while Perica Djakovic was released. The …

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Serbia to abolish visa regime with Albania

Serbia is close to removing its visa regime with Albania, Deputy Foreign Minister Zdravko Ponos said on Wednesday (June 23rd) during a visit to Shkodra. Ponos met with representatives of the Serbian and Montenegrin minority in northern Albania. “One of the issues discussed with my colleagues was visas. Albania has …

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