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Medvedev: Russia, Georgia to repair ties after Saakashvili quits

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday Moscow and Tbilisi will improve ties as soon as Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili leaves his post, RIA Novosti reports. Long-standing tensions between Russia

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Moldovan Parliament decides to concentrate entirely on condemnation of communism

Next Monday, the Moldovan Parliament will hold an extraordinary plenary sitting to hear the report prepared by the Commission for Assessment and Condemnation of the Totalitarian Communist Regime in Moldova. The commission was set up on the initiative of Moldova’s Acting President, Parliament Chairman Mihai Ghimpu.

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US Ambassador to Macedonia: US wants to see Macedonia in NATO

We would like to see Macedonia in NATO, but we are not sure whether that will happen by November summit, as the summit won’t address NATO enlargement, US Ambassador to Macedonia Philip Reeker said, when asked about the framework for solving name issue by November.

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