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Macedonian Prime Minister, met with Greek counterpart in Istanbul

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met his Greek counterpart George Papandreou on the sidelines of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Summit in Istanbul, government sources told Makfax news agency.

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Ministri su mogli mnogo više

SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH u protekle tri i pol godine ostvarilo je ozbiljan neuspjeh u svim ključnim oblastima, posebno u provedbi uslova za dobijanje kandidatskog statusa države za članstvo u EU, ocijenili su iz Centra civilnih inicijativa (CCI). Ova nevladina organizacija prati rad institucija vlasti na svim nivoima, a osim …

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Kosovo-Montenegro border demarcation to be completed this year

Border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro should be completed by the end of the year, Interior Minister Ivan Brajovic and his Kosovo counterpart Bajram Rexhepi said on Monday (June 21st) in Podgorica. “The administrative boundaries of former Yugoslavia have already been transformed into state borders,” Brajovic said. The two ministers …

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