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Zagreb: War Crimes Indictment Filed Against Former Soldiers

The prosecution in Zagreb has filed an indictment against seven people for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995. According to the indictment, which must be confirmed by the court, seven former members of the Croatian Army, HV, participated in the execution of a group of six Bosnian …

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Czech President says to Macedonia to start negotiations

In time of so many problems in the world, Czech President Vaclav Klaus called Macedonian-Greek name dispute a undeserving issue. He said that the two countries should sit down and find a name solution because nobody would accept to that for them.

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Moldova’s Russians want Russian language status up for referendum

Eighteen nongovernmental organizations defending the rights of ethnic minorities in Moldova have announced their support for the proposal of the Ravnopravie (“Equity”) party. Ravnopravie suggested that, besides the way of electing the president, two more questions should be asked

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