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Macedonia may join Russia’s South Stream pipeline

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said after meeting his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev in St Petersburg on Friday (June 18th) that energy giant Gazprom has agreed to include Macedonia in the South Stream

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AI wants Kosovo to investigate Kurti’s arrest

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International (AI) urged Kosovo authorities on Friday (June 18th) to look into claims of “excessive use of force” at the arrest of leader of the Vetevendosje (Self-Determination) movement Albin Kurti. Kurti was detained on June 12th but was released two days later. On Friday, AI said …

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„Proiectul Pasat”, un cocktail Molotov ruso-bisericesc

„Împărăţia Mea nu este din lumea aceasta” (Ioan XVIII, 36) Chestiunea cu cel mai mare potenţial de criză astăzi în RM este cea religioasă. Aparent, totul a început de la o dispută legată de obligativitatea materiei „Bazele Ortodoxiei” în şcoli, iniţiată de Valeriu Pasat, preşedintele Grupului de iniţiativă pentru desfăşurarea …

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