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EP mediation fails to resolve Albania’s stalemate

European Parliament (EP) officials are acknowledging that mediation aimed at resolving the political stalemate in Albania has failed. After a month of efforts, leaders of left and right wing parties in the EP, Joseph Daul and

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Romanian opposition challenges austerity plan in court

The opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) on Wednesday (June 16th) filed an official appeal of the government’s fiscal austerity plan with the Constitutional Court, which will review it next week. The biggest bone of contention is a plan to cut pensions by 15%, via provisions that opposition lawmakers describe as

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Macedonia wants to enter South Stream

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and Vice President Zoran Stavreski had a meeting with Alexey Miller, CEO of Gazprom, in St Petersburg today, Macedonian TV channel Sitel reported. The officials expressed their content with the forthcoming signing of the contract for payment of the clearing debt, which Russia has towards Macedonia, …

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