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ISG says Kosovo’s independence is irreversible

The International Steering Group (ISG) fully supports Kosovo’s territorial integrity and independence and says it is irrevocable. Following a business lunch of the 25 ISG representatives and Kosovo political leaders in Pristina on Monday (June 14th), International Civilian Office head Pieter Feith, on behalf of the Group, said that partition …

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Victims of Stalinist deportations commemorated in Chisinau

A meeting of commemoration of victims of the first Stalinist deportations wave from June 13, 1941, was held on Sunday in Chisinau, in Piata Marii Adunari Nationale. According to some data, more than two thousand people took part in the meeting. Churches of the country made some divine services to …

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Bosnian officials start Serbia visit

Serbian President Boris Tadić will be meeting with Bosnia-Herzegovina Assembly Speaker Sulejman Tihić in Belgrade on Tuesday. Tihić, the leader of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) isleading a delegation of his party and country during the visit.

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