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Verdicts for Srebrenica genocide set for Thursday

The war crimes tribunal in The Hague today is set to deliver the verdicts for seven Bosnain Serb officers, charged with genocide and crimes against humanity in Srebrenica in 1995. The defendants, indicted for genocide of more than 7,000 Muslim prisoners in Srebrenica in July 1995 include Vijadin Popovic, Ljubisa …

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Vuković nije nezakonito prisluškivan

SARAJEVO Hrvatske tajne službe snimile su razgovore pomoćnika ministra sigurnosti BiH Vjekoslava Vukovića vođene sa osobama u Hrvatskoj i nisu prisluškivale njegove telefone u kući u Kiseljaku i u uredu u Sarajevu, tvrde u Županijskom sudu u Rijeci. Ovaj sud u utorak je nepravomoćno Vukovića osudio na devet mjeseci zatvora …

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Slovenian Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo

Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Zbogar will pay official visit to Kosovo on Wednesday. Zbogar is slated to meet his Kosovo counterpart Skender Hiseni. The two ministers will discuss the two countries relations as well as the current security situation in Kosovo and the region.

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