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Vjekoslavu Vukoviću devet mjeseci zatvora

SARAJEVO, RIJEKA Županijski sud u Rijeci osudio je jučer pomoćnika ministra sigurnosti BiH Vjekoslava Vukovića na devet mjeseci zatvora zbog nabavke oružja i eksplozivnih tvari. Presuda riječkog suda je prvostepena i nepravomoćna, zbog čega Vuković sada neće biti smijenjen sa svoje sadašnje funkcije. “Vuković je kao trećeoptuženi osuđen na devet …

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US Deputy Secretary of State: Macedonia should focus on NATO and EU

Macedonian leadership should focus on the reward and that’s a solid future within NATO and EU, US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg told Voice of America. Commenting the name dispute with Greece, Steinberg said the United States would fully support courageous decision-making by the Macedonian leadership.

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‘Wave of Kosovo recognitions’ to follow ICJ

A leading western envoy in Pristina believes the ruling of the International Court of Justice on the legality of Kosovo’s independence will lead to a surge in new recognitions. While Pieter Feith, who is EU Special Representative and head of the International Civilian Office, said

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