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Romanian President asks Albania to recognise Aromanian minority

Romanian President Traian Basescu urged Albanian authorities on Tuesday (June 8th) to recognise Aromanians as a national minority in Albania. “The Aromanians have proven to be trustworthy Albanian citizens and have

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EULEX’s mandate in Kosovo extended

As expected, the Council of the EU on Tuesday (June 8th) extended EULEX’s mandate by two years, until June 2012. EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon and EU Special Representative Pieter Feith were in Brussels to brief the ambassadors of EU member states in the Political and Security Committee on the …

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Greek delegation to visit Bulgaria

A delegation headed by Greek Minister for Protection of Citizens Michalis Chrysohoidis is to arrive on an official visit to Bulgaria on Wednesday, the Bulgarian press center of the Interior Ministry announced. After a meeting with Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov the Greek and Bulgarian delegations will hold bilateral talks. …

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