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Alegeri la romanii din Timoc

Intr-un colt uitat de lume, in Valea Timocului, au avut loc duminica niste alegeri care nu au intrat pe agenda agentiilor de prea: alegerile pentru Consiliul National al Rumanilor din Serbia. Oficial, in Serbia de nord-est traiesc putin peste 44.000 de romani – desemnati de autoritatile sarbe drept vlahi. Cifrele …

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NATO plans to reduce troops in Kosovo

Defense ministers of NATO member states hold a meeting at the end of the week, where they will discuss the troops reduction in Kosovo. They will discuss on KFOR operations as the first step has already been made, NATO Secretary General Andres Faugh Rasmussen said. Towards the end of January, …

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Georgian FM to visit Ukraine

Georgian Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze will pay an official visit to Ukraine June 10-11. During his visit, Vashadze will meet with his Ukrainian Counterpart Konstantin Grishenko, as well as other senior officials, the ministry said.  

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