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Germania si Rusia “negociaza” Europa de Est

Cancelarul geman Angela Merkel si presedintele rus Dmitri Medvedev i-au cerut Uniunii Europene formarea unui nou consiliu de securitate care sa se ocupe cu rezolvarea conflictelor de genul celui din Transnistria.

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Spanish Ambassador to Serbia about Kosovo and Serbia’s EU bid

Spanish Ambassador to Serbia Inigo de Palacio Espana says that he believes that Serbia will continue the EU integration process with no Kosovo status as precondition. “Many top-ranking European officials said that this issue will not be set as prerequisite to Serbia’s

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Sabag bi ponovo u humanitarnu misiju

SARAJEVO Muhamed Jaser Sabag, bh. državljanin sirijskog porijekla, koji je bio zatočen u izraelskom zatvoru zbog pokušaja da s još nekoliko stotina humanitaraca brodom dopremi pomoć palestinskom stanovništvu u Gazi, u nedjelju se vratio u BiH. U Sarajevo je doputovala i Mukadera Tanak-Kirbaš, turska državljanka, zaposlena u ogranku organizacije IHH …

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