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Žele da besplatno izvoze oružje

SARAJEVO Vlada Federacije BiH predložila je Ministarstvu odbrane BiH državni “UNIS Group” iz Vogošće za partnera, koji bi, bez naknade, izvozio viškove starog oružja iz BiH iako ne postoji odluka o izvozu viškova naoružanja i vojne opreme. Ministar odbrane BiH Selmo Cikotić kaže da je Predsjedništvo BiH ranije usvojilo politiku …

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Slovenians opt for agreement with Croatia

According to the preliminary results of the referendum, the border arbitrage agreement with Croatia was accepted by a majority of Slovenians who voted. The incomplete results show that the turnout was at 42.27 percent, while the agreement was supported by 51.48 percent.

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Macedonia opposition pushes name solution

If a solution to the Athens-Skopje name spat is not found soon, Macedonia’s EU and NATO integration could be delayed for a longer period, Macedonian opposition leader Branko Crvenkovski said in an interview on Sunday.

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