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UN’s Downer: Cypriot reunification talks will continue

Talks to reunify Cyprus are continuing in line with the parameters that have already been agreed between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot leaders and the UN, Alexander Downer, the UN secretary-general’s special adviser on Cyprus, said on Friday (June 4th). “All chapters are being negotiated with the aim of increasing …

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Poţi scoate RM din URSS, dar cum scoţi URSS din RM?

„Foamea ne apropie în mod obiectiv de scopul nostru final… Foametea distruge, de asemenea, credinţa nu numai în ţar, ci chiar şi în Dumnezeu” (Lenin) Raportul şi recomandările Comisiei Cojocaru au stârnit speculaţii şi discuţii intense la Chişinău. Şi, pe bună dreptate. Dar ceva lipseşte, totuşi. Dezbaterea este preponderent politică, …

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Macedonian FM: EU Talks Will Boost Country’s Reforms

Setting a date for Macedonia’s EU accession talks will double the country’s enthusiasm for adopting reforms, Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki told media on Thursday. Milososki made the remarks after a regular meeting of Macedonian government officials

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