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U.S. Vice President expresses US support for Croatia’s EU bid

Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor met with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden yesterday during an official visit to Washington D.C. Kosor called her visit “the most important day of my political career”. She did not meet with

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Cyprus reunification talks resume

The leaders of Turkish and Greek communities in Cyprus on Wednesday resumed the talks on reunification of the island following a two-month pause. This is the first meeting of the newly elected Turkish Cypriot President Dervis Eroglu and the Greek Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias.

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Seful Radei Supreme: Ucraina nu poate fi independenta daca nu are relatii bune cu Rusia

Ucraina nu poate fi un stat independent daca nu are relatii bune cu Rusia, considera presedintele Radei Supreme din Ucraina, Vladimir Litvin. Declaratia a fost facuta miercuri, in cadrul unei intalniri cu sefii unitatilor administrative ale tarii, cand Litvin a afirmat: “Ca stat independent, Ucraina va putea exista doar daca …

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