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Blokirana registracija lijekova

SARAJEVO Komisija za lijekove pri Agenciji za lijekove i medicinska sredstva BiH dva mjeseca ne radi, zbog čega je zaustavljen plasman novih lijekova na bh. tržište. Komisija je rad obustavila jer im se gotovo godinu dana ne isplaćuju naknade. Vijeće ministara BiH na narednoj sjednici razmatrat će zahtjeve za isplatu …

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NATO Secretary General: Serbia’s future is in EU, NATO

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has urged Serbia to look to the future, said reports. That future, he said, lies in integration into the European Union and NATO despite its skepticism regarding the alliance.

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Serbian President, Cypriot President: Excellent relations

Serbian President Boris Tadić and Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias met in Nicosia on Thursday, on the first day of Tadić’s two-day visit. At a joint press conference after meeting Tadić, Christofias said that Cyprus supports Serbia and all Western Balkan countries on their path towards integration in the European Union.

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