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Serbia: Probe of Raska Mass Grave Site to Begin

The Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office has called for an investigation to begin at a mass grave site in the southwestern Serbian town of Raska. Ten days ago Serbia announced that with the help of the EU rule of law mission in Kosovo, EULEX, it had uncovered a mass grave …

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Serbia hands over Mladic diaries to Hague

Prosecutors at the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal say Serbia has sent the court a bundle of diaries written by Bosnian Serb wartime military commander General Ratko Mladic. They have filed a motion seeking to have the notebooks included as evidence in the case against Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb wartime …

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20,000 Romanian public workers protest wage cuts

Some 20,000 public workers today gathered in the Romanian capital to protest planned government wage cuts meant to shore up the country’s ailing economy. Public workers, teachers, doctors and retirees protested outside the government offices in downtown Bucharest. The two-hour protest blocked traffic in the city center.

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