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Slovak FM: Kosovo solution “within region”

Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčak said that the solution for the Kosovo problem needs to be found within the region. He confirmed once again that he had “no ambitions of personally offering a plan for solving the Kosovo problem”. “For me it is important for the European Union to be …

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Moscova reactiveaza la Kiev federalizarea Republicii Moldova

Declaratia comuna a presedintilor rus si ucrainean reactiveaza prin termenii folositi planul de federalizare a Republicii Moldova. Conform in declaratia comuna a presedintilor Dmitri Medvedev si Viktor Ianukovici se afirma ca Moldova si regiunea transnistreana trebuie sa fie o singura tara, cu armata si zona economica unica – exact …

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Macedonian PM Gruevski to meet Erdogan, Kosor and de la Vega

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is set to meet Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa de la Vega and prime ministers of Turkey Redzep Taip Erdogan and Croatia Jadranka Kosor, the government sources told Makfax news agency. The meeting is in the frameworks of the EU-Latin countries summit, where Macedonia …

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