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Romania sustine initiativa Uniunii Europene privind eliminarea vizelor pentru Rusia

Ministrii de externe din UE au participat luni, la Bruxelles, la reuniunea Consiliului Afacerilor Externe, unul din subiectele abordate in cadrul intalnirii fiind posibilitatea eliminarii vizelor pentru Rusia. Prezent la reuniune, ministrul roman de externe, Teodor Baconschi, a aratat ca Rusia este un partener strategic al UE si ca Uniunea …

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Turkish PM will arrive on a two-day visit in Greece on May 14

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan will arrive on a two-day working visit in Greece on May 14. The first session of the Turkish-Greek strategic cooperation council will take place, during the visit. The session will be co-chaired by Erdogan and by his Greek counterpart Georgios Papandreou. The Turkish delegation will …

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Spain sees EU progress for Turkey in two months

Turkey should make some progress in its negotiations to join the European Union in the next two months, Spain’s foreign minister said on Monday, urging the bloc to intensify its cooperation with Ankara. Speaking after a regular meeting to assess Turkey’s readiness to join the 27-member union, Miguel Angel Moratinos …

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