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Macedonia Takes Over CoE Chairmanship

Macedonia today takes over the rotating chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, holding the post for the first time since the country gained independence. Despite Greek opposition to the name “Macedonian Chairmanship 2010”, which Skopje chose to title its six month

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Albania reportedly to be part of NATO missile shield

Albania may be included in a list of countries where NATO’s missile defence shield will be deployed, local media reported on Sunday (May 9th). According to diplomatic sources, NATO is looking into whether to include Albania alongside Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. The issue was discussed last month when NATO Secretary-General …

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Kosovo reiterates its EU perspective

Political and economic criteria that Kosovo is required to meet are the main priorities of the integrations ministry, Minister Besim Beqaj said on Sunday (May 9th), Europe Day, a state holiday in Kosovo. Speaking at a conference on EU integration, Beqaj said that Pristina is confronting the challenges it faces, …

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