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Three war crimes suspects arrested in Bosnia

Three war crimes suspects have been arrested near the city of Banja Luka in Bosnia. Lazar Ristic, Petar Arsenic and Predrag Devic were arrested on Wednesday on a warrant from the State Prosecution. All three men are suspected of participation in war crimes committed by Serb forces in Sanski Most.

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Croatia unhappy with Jeremić address

Serbia’s foreign minister “took advantage” of a statement in which Croatian President Ivo Josipović “expressed regret” during his visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is according to the Croatian Foreign and European Integrations Ministry Spokesman Mario Dragun. Vuk Jeremić’s address on Wednesday in Ancona, Italy, to the Adriatic-Ionian Council, has caused reactions …

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Serbia wants both EU and Kosovo

Serbian President Boris Tadić says Serbia “definitely wants to become a member of the EU”, and that it will “never give up on protecting its integrity in Kosovo”. Those are the two key points of Serbia’s current and future policy, Tadić said at a ceremony in Požarevac this Thursday, marking …

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