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International conference on local self-government to take place in Pristina

An International conference on local self-government is to take place in Pristina. This conference aims to present the local self-government reform and Kosovo’s decentralization process as well as share experiences and good practices from the countries in the region. Ministers from Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Montenegro, Slovenia and Turkey …

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UN says Cyprus talks to resume in late May

UN envoy Alexander Downer said on Tuesday (May 4th) that talks to reunify the divided island will resume in the last week of May. Downer made the announcement after a meeting with Cypriot President Demetris Christofias in Nicosia. That followed Monday’s meeting between Downer and newly-elected Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis …

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Kosovo Foreign Minister: Kosovo to participate in summit only as equal

Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni told EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele on Tuesday (May 4th) that Kosovo will participate in the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo only as an equal partner with other participants. Hyseni delivered the same message to French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in Paris. The subject is …

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