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General strike paralyses Greece

Both private and public sector trade unions are staging a general strike in Greece, the latter for 48 hours, to protest against the government’s austerity plans. It is against the backdrop of a black wednesday for the euro, hit by financial worries the Greek crisis may spread to other EU …

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Around 14,000 people from Kosovo seek asylum in EU

In 2009 there were around 14,200 asylum applicants from Kosovo, who sought asylum in some of 27 countries of the European Union (EU). This is according to the statistical office of the EU Eurostat, which published a report that said applicants from Kosovo make up five percent of the total …

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Karadžić trial continues

The trial of former Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadžić continues on Wednesday before the Hague tribunal with more witness testimonies. The prosecution’s fifth witness will be former Sky News reporter Aernhout van Lynden, after which former EU mission chief in Bosnia-Herzegovina Colm Doyle will take the stand.

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