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Slovenian, Croatian presidents to meet Tuesday

Slovenian President Danilo Turk will meet his Croatian counterpart Ivo Josipovic at a meeting of Slovenian and Croatian business executives in Croatia’s Buzet on Tuesday. This is to be the first meeting between the two presidents, after the citizens of Slovenia voted in favor of the arbitrage border deal. Presidents …

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UN Security Council to discuss situation in Kosovo

Following a deterioration in the situation in the north of Kosovo, the UN Security Council is set to take up the matter at its meeting today. Serbian President Boris Tadic and the head of the UN Mission in Kosovo Lamberto Zannier are planning to attend the session in New York, …

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Vijeće ministara BiH dom je za pravu malu vojsku savjetnika angažiranih u uredima predsjedavajućeg i devet državnih ministara. Predsjedavajući i ministri savjetnike biraju po vlastitom nahođenju. Savjetnici ne prolaze nikakve konkursne procedure, ali imaju identična prava kao i ostali državni službenici. Koeficijenti za obračun njihovih plaća su, primjerice, nekoliko puta …

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