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Shift of Command of NATO HQ Skopje

A ceremony to mark the shift of command of NATO Headquarters Skopje will take place Monday at ARM House in Skopje. The outgoing Commander of NATO HQ Skopje and NATO High Military Representative, Commodore Valentin Gagashev (Bulgaria), will hand over the two posts to his successor Brigade General David Humar …

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Moguća obustava upisa vojne imovine

SARAJEVO Pravobranilaštvo BiH zatražilo je od nadležnih sudova da vojne objekte uknjiže kao vlasništvo države BiH, a Općinski sud u Sarajevu prihvatio je ovaj zahtjev i već počeo uknjižbu, zbog čega je reagovao i Ured visokog predstavnika (OHR). Na upis vojne imovine kao državne svojine ne gledaju svi isto pa …

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Dodik calls for cooperation from Croatia

Republic of Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Milorad Dodik called on Croatia to enable the exhumation of unidentified Serb victims in Croatia. He called on Zagreb to remove obstacles related to the return of property and property rights. “This would be the best proof that Croatia, as a democratic country that …

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