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Romanian FM: No Kosovo recognition

Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi has reiterated that his country will not recognize Kosovo. He also stressed that Romania supports the Western Balkan countries on their path towards the EU. Baconschi, who met with Lamberto Zannier, head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), said that peace and …

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Serbia and Croatia will sign a military cooperation agreement

Serbia and Croatia will soon sign a military cooperation agreement, which will allow officers and soldiers from either of the countries to take part as observers or as active participants in military drills of the other army.

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Cyprus president urges peaceful solution to Cyprus issue in Athens

Cyprus President Demetris Christofias expressed disappointment on Thursday at the first signals sent by the newly-elected leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Dervis Eroglu, stressing that he still wants a peaceful solution to the Cyprus issue as soon as possible.

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