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Mihai Ghimpu la Bucureşti – declinul sau apogeul AIE?

„Un judecător al Comisiei de la Veneţia m-a întrebat de ce optez pentru modificarea denumirii limbii în noua Constituţie…” (Mihai Ghimpu) Cine dă drumul unui bulgăre de zăpadă din vârful unui munte se poate aştepta ca acesta să devină avalanşă şi să distrugă tot ce îi stă în cale. Cam …

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French FM: Belgrade, Priština should talk

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner says “Serbia’s EUintegration is not conditioned by recognizing Kosovo”. He called on the two sides to have a dialog, underscoring that he had never advised Belgrade not to appeal to the International Court in The Hague.

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Croatia-Serbia border committee meets

The interstate diplomatic committee for the identification and marking of the border between Croatia and Serbia has continued negotiations in Zagreb. The committee met on Thursday after a seven year break. This body will also prepare the agreement on the state border between the two countries.

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