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Rasmussen to visit Zagreb

NATO Secretary General Andres Fogh Rasmussen will pay offcial visit to Zagreb, where he will meet with Croatia’s top offcials. Rasmussen is scheduled to meet with Croatian President Ivo Josipovic, Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor and Defense Minister Branko Vukelic. This is Rasmussen first visit to Croatia, after he took office …

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CE commissioner rights arrives in Tbilisi

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas Hammarberg will arrive to Tbilisi today. His visit program has not yet been specified. According to preliminary information, Hammarberg will visit Tskhinvali and meet with the de facto authorities. Hammarberg’s main task is to secure the release of individuals who have been …

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Popisuju imovinu potrebnu institucijama

SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH zadužilo je u četvrtak Komisiju za državnu imovinu da u naredna dva mjeseca napravi preliminarnu listu imovine potrebne državnim institucijama. Odluka je usvojena većinom glasova, a protiv je bio samo Safet Halilović, ministar ljudskih prava i izbjeglica BiH. “Članovi Komisije ovu listu treba da utvrde konsenzusom”, …

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