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Premierul de la Kiev: Ucraina devine independenta dupa semnarea acordului de stationare a flotei ruse in Crimeea

Ratificarea acordului privind ramanerea flotei ruse in Crimeea deschide o noua pagina in relatiile de colaborare strategica intre Ucraina si Rusia si lasa in urma epoca dusmaniei, considera prim-ministrul ucrainean, Nikolai Azarov. “Parlamentul nostru a luat o decizie istorica ratificand acordul pentru prelungirea termenului de sedere a flotei Marii Negre …

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Serbia charges war crimes suspect

War crimes prosecutors announced on Tuesday that they have filed charges against Darko Jankovic for crimes against civilians committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict. Jankovic, 38, allegedly tortured and killed at least 13 Bosniaks in May and June 1992 in the Zvornik municipality. He was detained nearly a month ago.

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EU wants Albanian political crisis resolved by May 10th

The EU wants Albania to resolve its political stalemate by May 10th, for the good of the country’s integration processes. The ruling Democratic Party and the opposition Socialist Party have been at odds for months over the June 2009 general elections. The EU needs facts not promises, Spain’s Ambassador to …

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