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Brammertz meets with Inzko in BiH

High Representative Valentin Inzko met on Monday visiting UN war crimes tribunal chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz. The Office of the High Representative issued a statement, saying Inzko reiterated that Western Balkan countries are willing to resolve all issues related to crimes committed during the 1990s’ conflicts. He added that lasting …

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Austria to boost contingent within EUFOR

Austria will boost its contingent within the EUFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by sending 200 extra soldiers at the beginning of July, Defence Minister Norbert Darabos announced on Monday on the sidelines of an EU defence ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg. Austria currently has 190 troops in BiH. Darabos …

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Macedonia: The name issue should be resolved as quickly as possible

The statement of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski that if there was a referendum regarding the name, he would vote “against” is a clear proof that the name dispute between Macedonia and Greece has to be resolved as quickly as possible, Erwan Fouéré, EU Special Representative for FYROM said. “The public …

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