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Mihail Saakasvili vine la Bucuresti la sfarsitul saptamanii

Presedintele georgian Mihail Saakasvili va efectua o vizita oficiala in Romania, a declarat luni adjunctul ministrului de Externe de la Tbilisi, Nino Kalandadze, citat de si Vizita se va desfasura intre 30 aprilie si 1 mai, in cazul in care nu vor mai fi probleme cu traficul aerian. …

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French FM Kouchner expects both Serbian and Kosovo officials to be present at the EU-Western Balkans conference

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said that he expects “both Serbian and Kosovo officials” to be present at the EU-Western Balkans conference. The gathering is planned for June in Sarajevo. Belgrade snubbed an informal conference earlier this year in Slovenia, insisting that Kosovo Albanian officials take part in accordance with …

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Azerbaijan signs protocol with Georgia

On Wednesday, Azerbaijan plans to sign a protocol on completion of bilateral negotiations with Georgia within Azerbaijan’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), international expert on WTO membership Farhad Yovakim said in Baku today.

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