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Milorad Dodic: BiH should not recognize Kosovo’s independence

Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodic said that Bosnia and Herzegovina shouldn’t recognize Kosovo’s independence. He made the remarks, following his meeting with representatives of Kosovo Serbs.

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Council of Europe to close its info-center in Skopje, Ljubljana and Podgorica

Council of Europe will shutdown its information centers in Skopje and Ljubljana as well as in Podgorica.  Secretary General of Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland made the proposal, while the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to close the info-centers in the three towns. „The Council of …

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Parada independenţei şi „independenţa” paradei

„Istoria se repetă pe ea însăşi, mai întâi ca o tragedie, apoi ca o farsă” (Karl Marx) Luni, 26 aprilie, deputaţii din primul Parlament urmează să se întrunească într-o şedinţă specială pentru a semna din nou textul Declaraţiei de Independenţă. Prilej de bilanţ, de numeroase şi necesare reflexii. Multe s-au …

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