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The coming population exodus from the Balkans to the EU

The EU in the end of 2009 took the decision of liberalizing the regime concerning visas by the citizens from several Western Balkan countries. It is also, widely discussed in Brussels, that after Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Fyrom, Bosnia will also have a visa-free regime by mid-2010, followed perhaps by …

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Serbia, Croatia ready defense agreement

Serbian and Croatian defense ministry officials Dušan Spasojević and Pjer Simunović, harmonized a defense agreement in Zagreb on Thursday. The deal should be signed by the two countries’ ministers of defense, reports said.

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Greece requests EU/IMF aid package

Greece on Friday requested the activation of a European Union/International Monetary Fund aid package. Athens is currently negotiating details of a 40-45 billion euro aid package with officials from the European Union and Monetary Fund aimed at pulling the country out of a debt crisis which has skaken the euro.

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