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Georgian FM protests PACE-South Ossetia meeting

The Georgian Foreign Ministry protested a meeting on post-conflict settlement between PACE Monitoring Committee Co-Rapporteur David Wilshire and Special Representative of South Ossetian de facto President Boris Chochiyev in Moscow.

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ICTY Will Consider Application for Review in Sljivancanin Judgment

For the first time since it was established, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, ICTY, will hold a hearing to consider the review of a judgment delivered by the Appeals Chamber. On June 3 the Appeals Chamber will hold a hearing regarding Veselin Sljicancanin’s application for a review …

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Bosnia Gets NATO Membership Plan

The foreign ministers of NATO member states agreed at their meeting in Tallinn, Estonia on Thursday to extend a Membership Action Plan, MAP, to Bosnia, but attached conditions to its implementation. Bosnia’s top officials welcomed the decision, expressing hope that it would help stabilize the country and contribute to the …

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