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Romania sustine continuarea politicii “usilor deschise” a NATO

Ministrul roman al Afacerilor Externe, Teodor Baconschi, va participa joi si vineri la reuniunea informala a ministrilor de externe din statele membre ale NATO, care se desfasoara la Tallinn, in Estonia. Potrivit unui comunicat al MAE, agenda politica a intalnirii va include subiecte referitoare la procesul de transformare a NATO …

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Pokušali da zapale zgradu Vlade FBiH

SARAJEVO Porazbijana stakla na zgradi Vlade FBiH, zapaljene prostorije u zgradi i policijske kuće ispred ovog objekta, te desetine povrijeđenih ljudi epilog su masovnih boračkih protesta koji su se u srijedu dogodili u Sarajevu. Borci su tražili samo ostavku Mustafe Mujezinovića, premijera FBiH, i kompletnog njegovog kabineta, a dan ranije …

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Armenia halts ratification of Armenia- Turkey protocols

Armenia’s ruling coalition parties issued a joint statement in which they call for suspending the process of ratification of the Armenia-Turkey protocols in the Armenian legislature. The government says the move comes amid Turkey’s reluctance to honor its commitment on an unconditional ratification of the deal within a reasonable timeframe.

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