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Georgian Azerbaijanis to conduct action in support of Turkey

The Congress of Azerbaijanis in Georgia (CAG) will hold a rally in support of the Turkish people in front of the Turkish Embassy in Tbilisi on April 22. “Azerbaijanis in Georgia will demonstrate support for Turkey in the issue of so-called “Armenian genocide”. The Ambassador of Turkey

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No more time should be wasted on name dispute between Greece and Macedonia: Spanish Foreign Minister

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, who was on a visit to Macedonia on Tuesday, declared that he is encouraged by the efforts made by the governments of Macedonia and Greece to solve the name dispute. In his words, the two countries should not waste any more time in solving …

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BiH zatražila izručenje Franca Kosa

SARAJEVO Ministarstvo pravde BiH proslijedilo je u utorak Ministarstvu pravde Hrvatske zahtjev za izručenje Franca Kosa, pripadnika 10. diverzantskog odreda Vojske RS, osumnjičenog za genocid u Srebrenici. Kos je uhapšen u ponedjeljak navečer na graničnom prijelazu Bajakovo u blizini Osijeka, u autobusu koji je iz Srbije ulazio u Hrvatsku. “Proslijedili …

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