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UNMIK chief says relations between UNMIK, Pristina improved

UNMIK chief Lamberto Zannier says relations between the UN mission and Pristina have improved, though differences remain on some issues, including “the strategy in the north”, Zannier said on Sunday (April 18th). Government spokesperson

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Kosovo working on post-ICJ ruling strategy

The Kosovo government is drafting a joint strategy with countries that have recognised Kosovo’s independence regarding actions Pristina should undertake after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) rules later this year on the legality of the 2008 independence declaration. “We expect, together with our international friends, to be more active …

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EC warns solving of the Cyprus issue has no alternative

The European Commission warned that there is no alternative for solving the Cyprus issue after nationalist Dervis Eroglu won the presidential elections in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), which is recognized only by Ankara.

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