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Civic organisations see few results from EULEX

Representatives of civic organisations in Kosovo have sent a letter to US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg asking him to use his influence “to ensure that EULEX has enough capacities and political support to fulfil its mandate and yield the expected results for Kosovo citizens.” No significant progress in …

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EU urges Macedonia to take swift action on name row

The EU on Tuesday urged Macedonian government to take swift action to settle the long-standing name dispute with neighboring Greece. Erwan Fouere, EU’s ambassador to Macedonia, asked Macedonian government to make a quick decision on whether it

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Imovinu poklanjaju da im je država ne oduzme

SARAJEVO Pravobranilaštvo BiH u prošloj godini trebalo je da oduzme oko 2,1 milion KM imovine stečene krivičnim djelima, ali nisu uspjeli jer su osuđeni svoju imovinu uknjižili na druge osobe. U izvještaju Pravobranilaštva BiH stoji da su u 2009. godini imali 15 postupaka ovrhe po presudama za najteža krivična djela, …

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