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ICG calls on Serbia not to block Kosovo’s progress

The International Crisis Group’s Europe Programme Director Sabine Freizer said on Monday that it would be good for Serbia to foster positive relations with Kosovo. A solution must be found to enable both countries to take part in regional initiatives, she added. Freizer praised Serbia for condemning the Srebrenica massacre, …

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Kosovo’s Pacolli calls for early elections

Opposition New Kosovo Alliance leader Behxhet Pacolli called for early elections and the establishment of a technical government on Monday (April 5th). Pacolli criticised the recent government reshuffle by saying that the changes made are limited only to the replacement of some ministers with others.

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Grecia accepta o solutie de compromis in cazul FYROM: Macedonia de Nord

Grecia accepta ca Fosta Republica Iugoslava a Macedoniei (FYROM) sa se numeasca “Macedonia de Nord”, a declarat primul adjunct al ministrului afacerilor externe grec Dimitris Droutsas, transmite Agerpres. Daca premierul macedonean Nikola Gruevski respinge propunerea, “va trebui sa explice el insusi poporului sau pentru ce il priveaza de perspectiva europeana”, …

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