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Serbia: Serbian-Bulgarian pipeline is not a priority

The natural gas in Serbia can hike now; however, everything depends on Serbian government and the Energy Agency, the general director of Serbiagaz Dusan Bajatovic said. Bjatovic said that the Company had not filled in a claim on hiking gas price in a compliance with the political agreement.

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Georgia to host NATO-Georgia Inter-Parliamentary Council

Tbilisi will host the first session of the NATO-Georgia Inter-Parliamentary Council. Members of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Civil Dimension of Security’s Committee’s Democratic Governance Sub-Committee arrived in Tbilisi.

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Romania hopes to join Schengen by March 2011

Romania’s main goal, now that it is a member of the EU and NATO, is to join Schengen by March 2011, Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Saturday. He added that Romanian authorities will exert the maximum effort toward achieving that goal. Speaking at the opening of an immigration service …

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