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Bulgaria and Turkey consider joint gas terminal project

Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traycho Traykov and his Turkish counterpart Taner Yildiz have discussed a possible joint project for a liquefied gas terminal. The port will have a 6 billion cub.m. capacity and will be located on the Turkish coast.

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Za nekoliko zaposlenih budžet osam miliona KM

SARAJEVO Za tri policijske agencije osnovane setom zakona o reformi policije u BiH u ovoj godinu u budžetu je rezervirano oko osam miliona KM iako nijedna od njih, osim direktora i zamjenika, nema stalno zaposlenih kadrova. Agencije za forenzička ispitivanja, školovanje kadrova, odnosno policijsku podršku, osnovane su prije dvije godine, …

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Brammertz on arrests of Hague fugitives

Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz says that report on Serbia’s cooperation will be finished in the second half of May. However, he stated that at this point, he did not know what the assessment would be. “The fact that the previous report was positive does not mean that the next …

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