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Canadian troops leave BiH

The mission of Canadian troops in BiH officially ended on Monday (March 29th) with five officers and one non-commissioned soldier returning home. Canadian Ambassador to BiH Pierre Guimond noted at a ceremony in Sarajevo that Canada was among the first countries to send peacekeepers. He said that BiH is moving …

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Serbia holds conference on decentralisation

Representatives of the EU, the OSCE and the Council of Europe on Monday (March 29th) voiced their willingness to help Serbia in its decentralisation process. At the opening of a two-day conference in the Serbian parliament, President Boris Tadic said that decentralisation is one of the main challenges facing Serbia …

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US troops transfer powers to Kosovo Police at border

US troops handed over management of the borderline between Kosovo and Macedonia to the Kosovo Police on Monday (March 29th). KFOR said this proves the commitment and willingness of the police to take on greater responsibility for providing security to Kosovo citizens. The hand-over comes as NATO considers downsizing the …

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