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Commissioner Fule: I’ll make sure Croatia joins EU without monitoring

Bulgaria and Romania’s EU accession in January 2007 was accompanied by a monitoring mechanism aiming to guide those countries’ progress in the field of law enforcement, but Croatia should join the Union without such a tool, Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Commissioner Stefan Fule said.

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Merkel urges Turkey to open ports to Cyprus

German Chancellor Angela Merkel s Monday aid that in order to achieve progress in its EU accession talks Turkey should open its ports to ships and planes from Cyprus and help press Iran to stop its controversial nuclear program.

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Vukovićevi razgovori dokaz za tužilaštvo

SARAJEVO Transkripti prisluškivanih telefonskih razgovora pomoćnika ministra sigurnosti BiH Vjekoslava Vukovića bit će dostavljeni tužilaštvu i istražnim agencijama u BiH kako bi se utvrdilo ko je za potrebe hrvatskih obavještajnih službi snimao njegove razgovore. Ivo Miro Jović, delegat u Domu naroda parlamenta BiH, kaže da postoje dokazi da je Vuković …

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