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Srebrenica resolution moves to Serbian parliament

A draft resolution condemning crimes committed in Srebrenica in July 1995 moved to parliament’s docket Saturday (March 27th), submitted by 114 lawmakers from the ruling coalition. According to its text, parliament strongly condemns the 1995 Srebrenica crimes against Bosniaks, as confirmed by the

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Slovenia to hold referendum on arbitration agreement

Leaders of the main political parties agreed on Friday (March 26th) that the arbitration border agreement with Croatia will be submitted to a binding referendum, once parliament ratifies the document. The Constitutional Court endorsed the agreement with Zagreb last week, giving parliament the green light to ratify the deal. Croatia …

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Cutia Pandorei a anticipatelor

După ce unii lideri ai AIE au revenit asupra deciziei de modificare a Constituţiei prin referendum, iniţial asumată plenar, spectrul alegerilor anticipate devine tot mai vizibil. Ce va fi, nu putem decât bănui. Dar, precum în povestea celebrei Pandora, atunci când deschizi cutia pe care nu trebuia să o deschizi, …

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